Micro Kit 1.5/2.0/2.7mm


SKU: b980190f18d9 Category:

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Features & Compatibility

Micro Kit 1.5/2.0/2.7mm Orthopedic kit

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Customers can request different sizes and numbers of plates and screws if needed. Excellent in quality. It is made of all stainless steel material. All the instruments and implants are made from the same material used for human medicine.

Instruments and implants included in this complete kit are listed below.

Bone drill bit 1.1 x 80mm = 5 pcs
Bone drill bit 1.5 x 80mm = 5 pcs
Bone drill bit 2.0 x 80mm = 5 pcs
Tap 1.5mm = 1 pcs
Tap 2.0mm = 1 pcs
Tap 2.7mm = 1 pcs
Screwdriver 1.5/2.0mm = 1 pcs
Screw holding sleeve 1.5mm = 1 pcs
Screwdriver 2.7mm = 1 pcs
Screw holding sleeve 2.7mm = 1pcs
Guider 1.1/1.5mm = 1 pcs
Guider 1.5/2.0mm = 1 pcs
Guider 2.0/2.7mm = 1 pcs
Counter drill 4.0mm = 1 pcs
Straight quick-coupling handle 4.5mm = 1 pcs
T-shape quick-coupling handle 4.5mm = 1 pcs
Screwdriver with handle 2.6mm = 1 pcs
Depth detector 40mm = 1 pcs
Hook = 2 pcs
De-coupling = 1 pcs
Periosteal dissector 3mm = 1 pcs
Periosteal dissector 5mm = 1 pcs
Screw holder = 1 pcs
Plate forcep = 1 pcs
Plate bender 2*1 = 1 set
Elevator 3*1 = 1 pcs
Bent reduction forcep = 1 pcs
Sharp reduction forcep = 1 pcs
Plate nipper = 1 pcs
Multi-functional forcep = 1 pcs
Bone plate box 1.5mm = 1 set
Bone plate box 2.0mm = 1 set
Bone plate box 2.7mm = 1 set
Case with lid 15″ x 9″ x 3″
Bone screws 1.5mm self tapping = 10 screws
Bone screws 2.0mm self tapping = 10 screws
Bone screws 2.7mm self tapping = 10 screws
Bone plate 1.5mm = 2
Bone plate 2.0mm = 2
Bone plate 2.7mm = 2

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